Heroine REM Overview | Mantastic Puzzle and Dragons


The Heroine event returns once again to North America and comes with a myriad of buffs for nearly every single card. Unfortunately, this event still costs 10 Magic Stones and the vast majority of the bottom rarity cards feel grossly outdated despite the buffs.

In fact, even the 6-star cards have questionable value with the vast majority of meaningful cards residing in the top rarity. While they do feature a healthy 17.5% chance of being rolled, they can simply be Monster Exchanged for if you feel they will greatly improve your Monster Box.

On the bright side, all cards feature Weapon Assists along with the option to pull five times at once. This multi-pull feature will grant players 5 random rewards but at the same time, will cost 50 Magic Stones and I do not truly feel this is a great place to spend your precious Stones.

As a whole, I feel that this is a skippable event from a rolling perspective but there may be some justifications in Monster Exchanging for several cards.

Due to continuous wrist pains, this article will be mostly an overview of this event with more information in the video that features Lumon!

Video commentary


All Monster information gathered via Tsubaki Bot (Discord Bot) and monster icons come from PADx or Tsubaki Bot

Heroine REM Pros & Cons – November 2022
  • Weapon Assists for all cards
  • So many cards featured
    • Lowers chance of a duplicate
  • Regularly occurring event
    • Should receive periodic buffs
      • Often focused on top rarity
  • Event lasts 2 weeks
    • Can wait to trade at the end
      • May announce a new & better event
  • Large rolling pool lowers chances of acquiring a specific card
  • Most 5/6* cards are disappointing
    • Constitute 82.5% of rolling pool
    • Often better to Monster Exchange instead of rolling
  • Costs 10 Magic Stones per roll
    • Cost does not justify the middling bottom/middle rarity
Heroine REM
7 Star base
(17.5% total)
6 Star base
(38% total)
5 Star base
(44.5% total)
Notable / New Cards
Kureha (New)

Aura (New) – BGM card

Planar (New Evo)


Tierra (New)

Orya Weapon

Lynnen (New)


The Heroine event is an underwhelming affair from a rolling point of view as the majority of 5 and 6-star cards do not hold up well in this day and age. This is partially attributed to the age of this machine along with GungHo having a bias towards the top rarity cards.

As a result, the 10 Magic Stone price tag feels grossly overpriced and I am personally only doing my free rolls and ignoring the rest of the Egg Machine.

Let me know what you think about this event in the comments down below.

Happy Puzzling!

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